Services We Offer

We are a concierge mental health service offering in-person, virtual, and telephone psychotherapeutic support. When you’re ready to find the best fit for you, we offer an initial consultation at no-charge.


Individual Therapy Sessions

Psychotherapy helps you understand your “knots” and figure out the best ways to deal with them. It helps you think through why a certain situation bothers you or makes you feel scared, sad or angry. Therapy and counseling are a great option for both short-term and long-term stresses.


Couples Therapy Sessions

Couples sessions are a way for couples to grow through relationships together. It focuses on building communication, problem-solving, and conflict resolution skills. Couples can find counseling helpful if they want to enhance their current relationship and want to improve as both individuals and together.


Family Therapy Sessions

Typical goals for family therapy are improving communication, understanding family dynamics, and creating smoother functioning relationships.


Group Therapy Sessions

We offer group sessions to help heal through shared experiences:

LGBTQ Coming Out Support Group
Grief & Loss Process Group
Recovering From Trauma Group
Sexual Abuse Survivor Group

Please contact us to find out about availability.


Telephone & Virtual Sessions

We offer telephone and online video conferencing based on client’s needs. Please get in touch to inquire if this is a good fit for you.


Your present circumstances don’t determine where you go; they merely determine where you start.
— Dr. Lauren Fogel Mersey